telnet protocols
basic telnet support | 80% |
some telnet commands/options | 30% |
MCCP (MUD Compression Protocol) | 80% |
MSP (MUD Sound Protocol) | 0% |
MXP (MUD eXtension Protocol) | 0% |
ANSI sequences (color, ...) | 80% |
basic room properties, exits | 100% |
hidden exits | 100% |
loading/saving from/to XML or s.t. similar | 100% |
area properties | 20% |
robust area loading/unloading | 80% |
properties that can affect every room (gravity, weather, ...) | 5% |
travelling between areas (we can load'em then, if needed) | 5% |
module manager | 100% |
module properties | 70% |
support for unloading, reloading, ... | 100% |
module dependencies | 100% |
commands to handle all that | 30% |
basic properties (name, weight, ...) | 100% |
load/save | 100% |
items that affect players (+stats, food/drink, psi...) | 20% |
items owned by other items | 70% |
invisible items | 50% |
items that can perform some action (timered, ...) | 10% |
items that can be combined in some way | 0% |
stats | 30% |
skill values | 30% |
HP/MP/SP, manipulation with these | 30% |
death | 5% |
food/drink/... | 30% |
inventory (+commands) | 20% |
equip (+commands) | 5% |
conditions affecting livings | 10% |
sleeping and related stuff | 40% |
basic room events | 50% |
basic living events | 20% |
algorithm repository (various useful algorithms) | 20% |
event/algorithm invocation | 100% |
action list/invocation | 70% |
basic actions | 20% |
support for raising in CHARACTER module | 50% |
list of skills | 50% |
gaining skill percentage-how to do it,... | 0% |
NPCs that train skills | 0% |
basic principles | 50% |
effects of stats/skills | 0% |
effects of weapons/armor/... | 0% |
effects of various equip | 0% |
effects of psionic powers | 0% |
combat progress/status displaying | 5% |
NPCs and monsters
standard NPCs/monsters | 20% |
NPCs with special functions | 0% |
NPC repository with various predefined NPCs/monsters | 0% |
loading NPC/monster properties from some file | 0% |
auto-saving some NPCs (vendors, ...) | 0% |
character creation
special area/code for generation | 10% |
setting initial params | 10% |
initial equip | 0% |
newbie area | 0% |
create/delete account | 70% |
view all chars in account | 0% |
selecting a char to play | 70% |
delete char | 0% |
auto-deletion of non-played chars | 0% |
basic player functionality
socket, connect/disconnect | 100% |
load/save | 100% |
auto-save, save on quit | 100% |
save all on server termination | 100% |
link-dead state, reconnecting | 10% |
no-quit state (after combat, ...) | 0% |
(?) renting, auto-renting | 0% |
receiving commands | 100% |
sending cmd results | 100% |
command parsing - entities/livings | 100% |
command parsing - items | 100% |
command parsing - cmds with multiple params | 100% |
command parsing - numbered items, plural forms (maybe not?) | 30% |
command parsing - all-purpose analyzer | 30% |
immortal functions
player/immortal difference | 100% |
immortal levels, promote/demote | 100% |
basic immortal commands | 30% |
module/server administration | 30% |
debugging functions | 20% |
player control commands | 30% |
basic commands
movement | 100% |
state change (sit,sleep,...) | 70% |
eating, drinking | 50% |
examination (look, search, ...) | 30% |
manipulation (get, drop, open, ...) | 50% |
wearing, wielding | 50% |
say/tell/whisper/... | 50% |
channels | 80% |
channel history | 80% |
communication with NPCs | 50% |
base classes for emotes | 80% |
load emotes from file | 80% |
list of emotes | 10% |
emote creator/editor | 0% |
money owning, getting, giving | 30% |
paying for stuff | 5% |
currencies | 20% |
conversion rates | 20% |
dynamic conversion rates | 0% |
NPCs that can perform money conversion | 0% |
bank accounts, assigning to chars | 0% |
manipulation with account | 0% |
interest & fees | 0% |
banking NPC | 0% |
shopping commands | 50% |
shop goods | 50% |
shopkeeper NPC | 50% |
inns (?) | 0% |
buying/selling commodities at diff planets | 0% |
varying prices of commodities | 0% |
psionic power
psionic abilities | 0% |
usage of psi abilities | 0% |
items that affect psi abilities | 0% |
item creation
support for skills that allow creating items from other items | 0% |
support for mining/chopping/harvesting/... various raw materials | 0% |
a list of things that can be created and items that they're created from | 0% |
creating items with special powers | 0% |
determining costs of created items | 0% |
exp,levels | 20% |
gaining exp | 10% |
things that give you exp | 0% |
death reduces exp | 0% |
--- all planets (read areas) --- | 0% |
the Space area | 0% |
travelling across planets | 0% |
space ports | 0% |
owning a spaceship, buying it | 0% |
special events while in space | 0% |
basic guild properties | 0% |
guild levels, gaining them | 5% |
inter-guild difference | 0% |
joining guilds, entrance quests | 0% |
abilities/items accessible to guild members only | 0% |
special guild NPCs | 0% |
guild quests | 0% |
special NPCs (mayor, guards, citizens) | 0% |
town building repository | 0% |
town quests | 0% |
town generator | 0% |
wilderness, environment
wilderness generator | 0% |
weather | 0% |
day/night, seasons (diff on each planet) | 0% |
quest daemon | 0% |
quest management | 0% |
storing info about finished quests | 5% |
quest journal | 0% |
some quest-related NPCs | 0% |
special events/quests
special events on planets (earthquakes, diseases, ...) | 0% |
dynamically generated quests | 0% |
player can own a house | 0% |
house improving (not too much, we really don't want text-based sims) | 0% |
creating the house | 0% |
getting the house (special quest maybe?) | 0% |
set of quests connected together | 0% |
game events that form some game story (could be randomly generated maybe?) | 0% |
everything related that's mentioned in above categories :P | 20% |
common items | 0% |
help file format | 20% |
help loader | 40% |
help command | 40% |
help categories | 40% |
limited access to some topics | 0% |
player settings
cmds to set stuff like mail, finger, ... | 0% |
cmds to set various settings/flags | 0% |
support for load/save of settings | 100% |
informational commands
server state & co. (uptime, ...) | 10% |
game state (who, finger, time, ...) | 10% |
character state (stats, skills, hp, exp, ...) | 20% |
internal webserver
basic functionality, replying to requests | 100% |
some gateways (who, finger, help, ...) | 0% |
support for downloading sounds and so (for MSP, ...) | 0% |
help editor
load/save | 20% |
help page editation | 10% |
help categories | 10% |
access privileges | 0% |
area editor
load/save | 100% |
graphical map displayer | 50% |
room properties | 50% |
connections between rooms | 100% |
objects in rooms | 80% |
area generator
generate wilderness/town prototype | 0% |
save | 0% |
item/NPC generator
create item/NPC | 0% |
using existing prototypes in repository | 0% |
object convertor
convert various XML files into c++ sources | 0% |